
Baby Champions

Your continued support allows us to extend our work to advance the proven power of nurturing relationships and creating connections.

We worked hard to recognize all of those who supported our work during the 2022 Fiscal Year (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022) through their financial generosity. If you were inadvertently omitted, please let us know.


Linda Acredolo
Swati Adarkar
Lynda Addams
Olayinka Adeoye
Maribel Aguilar
Therese Ahlers
Carol Airone
Katie Albright and Jake Schatz
Hon. Madeleine Albright*
Wafa Aldabsheh
Yolanda Alexander
Michael Allen and Leslie Feder
Joanna H. Amick
Dana An
Karen Anderson
Elaine Archangelo
Vanessa Arcinas
Elizabeth Artaiz
Dr. George Askew
Belayhun Asrese
Craig Auster
Julie Avarello
Patrice Ayling
Lynette Aytch
Steven Bachrach
Lesley Bailey
David and Naomi Balto
Julie Baraz
Kori Bardige
Michelle Barini
Dr. Kathryn Barnard*
Michael Barth
Monet Barton
Carol Baxter, APRN
Heidi Bayer
Harry Beam
Lee Ann Savio Beers, MD, FAAP and Nathaniel Beers
Realista Belanga
Sharon Bell
Jean Bellows
Madeline Daniels Benderev
Theodore Benderev
Kathy Benderev
Ernestine Benedict
Jane Benesch
Ron Benham
Sarah Benjamin, MA
Danica Benson
Eric Benton
Donald Berger
Dr. Lisa Berlin and the Berlin Wittenstein Family
Michael Berman
Richard Berner
Victor Bernstein
Dr. Paula Bernstein
Dr. Jane Bernzweig
Peter A. Bigot
Lynn and Wolf Blitzer
Ken Bloom
Elsa Blum, PhD
Lisa Blyth
Elizabeth Blythe
Catherine Bodkin
Aidan Bohlander
Cathy Bollers
Stephen Boos
Jennifer Boss
Dale Bordelon
Susan Boynton Charitable Fund
Dr. Lisa Boyum
Patricia Brady
Kimberly Bradley
Dr. Deborrah Bremond
Joyce Briggs
Rahil Briggs
Michael Brod
Virginia Brooks
Anita Brown
Robert Brown
Dr. Joy V. Browne
Deborah Brunick
Kaitlin Brunick
Dr. Dorothy Bryan
Terri Buccarelli, MPA, IMH-E
Alina Buffolino
Natalie Bumgarner
Michael Burns
Danielle Burton
Dr. Brenda Bushouse
Dan and Jan Butterwick
David Bynum
Miriam Calderón
Susan Cameron
Nora Cameron
María del Carmen Campillo Pedrón
Simon Canasi
Katherine Cannon
Sally Cansdale
Joanne Bitetti Capatides
Leanna Capel
Mary Caputo
Betsy Carlin
Kristopher Carnahan
Cynthia Carsten
Gary Carter
Anna Carugati Guise
Joseph Cassidy
Dr. Nicole Castonguay
Linda Castrilli
Corinne G. Catalano, PhD, IMH-E
Sophea Chan Diaz
Puisana Chau
Dr. Maria Chavez
Debbie Cheatham
Dr. Natalya Chernyak
Robert Cherry
Valerie Chien
Stephanie Chow
Mei Christensen
Elizabeth Christie
John Cipora
Martha Clark
Robert Clark
Dr. Roseanne Clark
Sue Allen Clarke
Jessica Clarkson
Alan and Corinne Cleaveland
Kathryn Cobb-Holmes
Judge Constance Cohen, Retired
Julie Cohen
Gerald Cole
Patricia Cole
Stefanie Cole
Margaret Coleman
Dr. Marilee Comfort
Priya Conjeevaram Krishnan
Pete Cordero
Leigh Ann Courville
Abel Covarrubias, MA
Elizabeth Covington
Joseph Cramer
Melinda Crossman
Tracy Crudup
Lena Cunningham
Maria Curtin-McKenna
Susan Curwen
Susan Dallas-Swann
Hanna Damasio
Lakshmi Prasanna Danduboina
Molly Daniels
Abby Daniels
Sharon Daniels
Lucy Daniels
William Daniels
Harriet Dann
Justine Davenport
Stephanie Dawsey
Dr. Peter Dawson
Lia Dean
Will Decherd and Serin Houston
Felicia DeHaney, PhD
Ganie Dehart
Barbara Deinhardt
Natalye Delegal
Mary DeLisi
Dr. Taletha Derrington
Aditi Deshpande
Mandi DeSouza
Amy DeVan
Daryl V. Dichek, MPH
Mary Doan
Maria Dobinick
Vincent Donofrio
Lauren Donovan
Dylan Drusedum
Richard Dubitsky
Jane Duer, M Ed, IMH-E
Dr. Rob Dugger
Barb Dutton
Erin and Donald Duyka
Leonard Edwards
Sally Edwards
Linda Eggbeer
Beth Elbertson
Henry Elghanayan and
Nancy Newman
Martin Elias
Edima Elinewinga
Dr. Theresa Elofson
Doreen El-Roeiy
Daoud Emam
Sarah England
Paula Erdelyi
Julie Erwin
Joyce Escorcia
Patrice Etter
Lisa Koch Fajardo
Larry Feig
Charles Feigenbaum
Emily Feinberg
Vivian Feintech
Dr. John Felton
Amanda Ferguson
Lindsay Ferguson
Wendy Fiene
Ginger Fink
Stephen and Karen Fischer
Barry Fisher and Lauren Wasserman
Janine Fletcher-Huddleston
Paul Flowerman
Carmen Fontanez
Megan Foradori
Candice and Preston Ford
Jenifer Goldman Fraser, PhD, MPH
Elizabeth Frenette
Kim Friedman
Heather Friedman
Caryn Friedman
Carla Fristensky
Kaitlin Fronberg
Sean Gallemore
Deborah Gass
Maria Gehl
Suzanna George
Lawrence and Gail Gerry
Chandra Ghosh Ippen, PhD and
Erich Ippen
Anne Gilbert
Judy C. Gilchrist Hines
Linda Gilkerson
Dr. Walter S. Gilliam
Barbara Gillmeister
Mary Girton
Mary Margaret Gleason, MD, FAAP
Mary Cox Golden, PhD
Fred Goldman
Roy Goldman
Ally Goldstein
Derrick Golon
Dr. Stephanie Goloway
Dr. Peter Gorski
Michael Goze
Dr. Jeanne Grace
Dr. Mimi Graham
Susan Graham
James Grant
Barbara J. Graves, PhD
Suki Graves
Jan Greenberg, MA
Amy Greenberg
Jan Greenberg
Stephen Greenberg
Diana Grisi
Stephen Gross
Susan M. Grossman, MA
Morton Grusky
Suzi and Luis Guardia
Hailey Guenzler
Lenora Lake-Guidry and Joe Guidry
Heidi Hagenson
Joe and Cathie Hajdu
Lisa Halberstadt
Will Halicks and Samantha Stiles
George Halvorson
Dr. Yoko Hamada
Rebecca Handman
Lindsay Haney
Sally Hanley
Dr. Michael and Cecily Hardin
Dr. Teresa Hargrave
Deborah Harris, LISW, IMH-E
Burt Harris
Tracy Harrison
Mary Ruth Harsha
Andrea Y. Hart
Peter and Florence Hart
Nancy Hartman
Judith Hason
Lexical Hath
Gillian Hays
Mary Claire Heffron, PhD
Geraldine Henchy
Dorothy Henderson
Cathryn Hendon
Lauren Herlihy Flash
Dina Herrera, LBSW
Steven Heyman
Robert Hickman, LMFT
Nancy Higbee
Angela Hill
Dr. Sheri L. Hill
Mark Hilt
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
Olivia Hockenberry
Alison Hockenberry
Zoe Hockenberry
Anna Hoff
Elizabeth Holland
Gregory Hollback
Jean Hopkins
Marissa Howard
Megan Hubbard
Janie Huddleston
Amy Huffer
Annie Hughes
Nancy Hughes
Michela Hugo
Mary Beth Hustoles
Janice Im
Jessica Ingold
Mark S. Innocenti, PhD
Nucha Isarowong, PhD,
Sai Iyer
Debra Jackson
Sharon Jacobs
Francine Jacobs
Anna Jacobson
Deirdre Jameson
Dr. Dianne Jandrasits
Cailin Jason
Michael Jennings
Beth Johns
Jo Johnson
William Johnson
Summer Jones
Brenda Jones Harden, PhD
Vonda Jump Norman
Quinn Kaiser
Nancy Kalvin
Henry Kandler, MD
Janice Kane
Howard Karesh
Resat Kasaba
Lucinda Lou Keller Mahmoud
Barbara Kellner
Teresa Kennedy
Dr. Moira J. Kennedy
Portia and Kalli Kennel
Adena Kershner
Daniel Kessler
Mari Khoury
Susan Kiernan
Barbara Kiley
Elisa Kinsman
Dr. Elaine Dimitriios Trikolas Kisisel, PhD
Adina Kleiman
Deanna Knickerbocker
Kaitlyn Knorr
Kirsten Koerner
Boris Kofman
Leo Korein
Jon Korfmacher, PhD
Nina Kornstein
Dr. Robert Kramer
Deborah Kravik
Alex Krebs
Sumaya Kroger
Laura Krug
Richard D. Krugman, MD
Lorraine F. Kubicek, PhD, IMH-E
Katherine Kuhn
Silvia La Villa
Thelma Lager
Laura Lakin
Christopher Lakin
Don Lamb
Judge Lester Langer, Retired
Karin Larson*
Wendy Larson-Harris
Vincent Latiolais
Adam Lauring
Geraldine Laybourne
Hyeon Lee
Sarah LeMoine
Jacopo and Robyn Lenzi
Mark Lessner
Amy Levere
Holli Lewis
Victor Leyba
Christina Li
Jennifer Moon Li
Ting LI
Jean Lider
Alison Limke
Katharine Linek
Beth and Nat Lipschitz
Dr. Katherine Lobach
Lorrie Looper
Alan Lopatin
Jeremias Lopez
David Lormand
Deborah Losada
Marilyn and John Love
Ben and Sandy Lovell
Dr. Darcy Lowell
Kelly Lubeck
Kim Luke
Erica Lurie-Hurvitz
Janine Luz
Whitney Lyman, M Ed
Dr. Russell Lyman
Katrina Macasaet
John Paul MacDuffie
Sarah MacLaughlin
Janet A. Madigan, MD
Dustin Maghamfar
Ruth Major, MA, IPMH
Greta Maloney
Maureen Maloney
Michael Mandel
Peter L. Mangione and
Margaret Mary Sabo
Meera Mani
Tammy Mann, PhD
Marsha Marcantel
Petrea Ruth Marchand
Anibal Marchena
Andrea Maresca
Joy Markowitz
Joe Marlin
Lucy Marose
Emmy Marshall
Chris Martin
Eme Martin
Megan Martin
Lauren Masterson
Andrew Matemu
Agnes Matter-Dang
Peter Mayer
Michelle McAnuff Gumbs
Anne McConville
Jennifer S. McDonel, PhD
Teresa McDonnell
Lisa McGarrie
Anna McGinty
Elizabeth McMullen
Laura Mellor-Bachman
Matthew Melmed and
Lynette Fraga
Andrew Meltzoff, PhD
Melinda Mendelson
Lisa Mennet, PhD
Judy Meuth
Michelle Meyercord
Horas Minito
Andrew Mishkin
Uma Mishra
Heather Mitchell
Dr. Lynda Mitchell
Shelley Moats
Beth Molesworth
Carol Mollock
Catherine Monk, PhD
Michael Mooney
Christina Morisato
Dawn Morrill
Kherissa Morris
Cheryl Morris
Lindsay Moyer
Siobhan Mueller
Kathy Mulrooney
Bonnie Munson
Lois Murphy
Rose Murphy
Leslie and Terry Murphy
Joel Nadler
Alice Nakahata
Brian Napack
Kimberly Nash
Stephen C. Neff
David Nelson
Linda Nelson
Jane Nelson Barry
Martha Netherton
Hoa Nguyen
Eugenia Nichols
Christina Nigrelli
Dr. Wendy Nilsen
Richard and Naomi Norman
Judy Norris
Una Nugent
Dr. J. Kevin Nugent
Rudy Nyhoff
Maria Ogunye
Dr. Magdalene Okobah
Michael Olenick, PhD
Dr. Ellen Olshansky
Kelly Browe Olson
Richard Osburn
Joy Osofsky, PhD
Dr. Eugene Outerbridge
Eric Page
Rebecca Parlakian
Charles Patterson
Zoe Paul
Mark Pavel
Liz Pechous, PhD
Andria Peek
Kara Pellicano
Karime Perez Jaime
Alice and Richard Peters
Miriam and David Phalen
David Phillips
Helen Pierce
Francoise Pierredon
Victoria Pierson
Parker Pillsbury
Heather Plochman
John and Mary Podesta
Suzanne Podzemny
Nan Poplin
Megan Postal
Adriana Potter
Edward Potyraj
Jason Powell
Andrew Powell
Ella Powell
Jake Powell
Lisa Powell
Stephanie Powers
Nicholas Pozoulakis
Stephanie Pozoulakis
Wayne and Suzanna Price
Samantha Prior
Laura Ptucha
Roopa P. Purohit
Daniel Quinn
Liberty Radar
Debra Ragen-Coffman, LCMHC
Maureen Rahill-Comin
Susan Rahm
Helen H. Raikes, PhD
Ardeshir Rastinehad
Vibhay Raykar, MD
Rita Reiswig
Amber Rettke
Martha Reynoso
DeAnna Rich
Julia Richards
Debi Rickard
Alice Ricks
Mennie Ridgeway
Charles Ritter
Denise Rix
Hannah Robinson
Robert Ronus
Michael Rosa
Kate Rosenblum
Mark Rosenfeld
Lilli Ross
Kathleen Ross
Diane Rotnem
Angelyn Royce
Dr. Lynne Rubin
Jissel Rodriguez
Randi Rubin Rodriguez
Jack Rusley, MD, MHS
Dr. Alison Rustagi
Beatriz Saal
Ryan Sabot
Sallenbach Family
Dell Petschek Salza
Christine Sam
Jason Samfield
Zarana Sanghani
Michelle Sarche
Dr. Lela Sarnat
Emma Sawin
Helene Schacter
Katherine Locker Scharlatt, JD
Lynn Scheidenhelm
David and Judith Schiffman
Maxine Schindelman
Nancy Schleh
Hilary Schlossman
Meghan Schmelzer
Heather Schmidt
Taran Schneider
Cynthia Schneidler, MD
Nan Schwanfelder
Eugenie V. Schwartz, BSN, MHA
Andrea Schwartz
James Schweitzer
Sara Seiden
Susan Selbin
Sevi Senavinin
Kelle Serio
Dr. Prachi Shah
Kirsten Shaw
Stephanie Sherman
Sandra Shipton
Daniel Shively
Christian Siebel
Terry Siegel
Kathryn Sierra
Judith Silver
Fran Simon, M Ed
Patrick and Mead Sissman
Jennifer Skinner
Dr. Arietta Slade
Rose-Ella Slavin
Kelley Smith
Petra Smith
Roger Smith
Lauren Smith
Nick Smith
Helen Smith
Jacqueline Smith Sullivan
Abby Smull
Dr. JoAnne Solchany
Paul Spicer
Christina Stanton
Pepper Starobin
John Steele
Suzanne Steger
Eugene P. Stein
Juliet Sternberg
Sallie Stevens
Sydney Stevens
Jeanine Stewart
Janice Stofer
Lynn Straus*
Mike Stuart
Kathleen Sullivan
Dr. Amy Sussna Klein
Heidi Szrom
Ryder Takahashi
Suzy Tam
Sophia Taula-Lieras
Wayne Taylor
Deborah Team
Netsy Tefera
Antoinette Tellez
Shannon Tenney
Brian Terry
Pamela Tew
Jordan Thibodeaux, PhD
Dr. Ross and Janet Thompson
Barbara Thompson
Lenore Thompson
Nora Thompson
Michael and Jill Thomson
Nara Topp
Rezvan Torabi
Susan Torres
Jennifer Tracey
Al Trautman
Nicole Tullis
Kate Upton
Marjorie Vai
Pia Valdivia
Shalini Vallabhan
Nannette Van Antwerp
Susan Vance
Rebecca Varner
Lissette Velez
Lois Vermilya
Judith Viorst
Anne Bentley Waddoups
Kent Severson and Sally Wagner
Peggy Walker
Susanne and Greg Walker Wilson
Mary Ann and David Wark
Judge Joyce Williams Warren,
Dr. Mary G. Warren, IMH-E
Christine Wax
Deborah Weatherston
Nancy Webb
Ricky Webster
Judith Weinstock
Sandra Weiss
Dr. Steven Welton
Susan Werbe
Robert Werbel
Wendy White
Diane White
Dr. Wendy Wieber
Serena Wieder
Victoria Wiener
John Williamsen
G. Gordon Williamson, PhD, OTR
Elizabeth Wilson
Lisa Wilson
Nancy Winkler
Candace Winkler
Dr. Molly Romer Witten, PhD
Ashley Wojciechowski
Peter Wolf
Jessica Wolk
Sandra Radzanower Wolkoff, PhD, LCSW-R
Julie and Shawn Wood
H. Marcel Wright, MBA
Sara Yamamoto
Dr. Yvette Yatchmink
Julia Yeary
John and Jean Yule
Dr. Zohreh Zarnegar
Jennifer Zawislak
Stefanie Zier
Caitlin Zimmer
Sharon Zone
Caryle Zorumski, EdD, LPCC, IMH-E

Foundations & Corporations

Alliance for Early Success
America's Best Local Charities
American Family Insurance
Institute for Corporate and
Social Impact
Ballmer Group
Battery Ventures
Diane & Norman Bernstein
Blue Meridian Partners
The Boston Foundation
The Burke Foundation
Care for All with Respect and
Equity (CARE) Fund
Coleman Family Ventures
Daedalus Foundation
The Duke Endowment
First 5 Association - California
Children and Families Foundation
Good Today
Irving Harris Foundation
The Hearst Foundations
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Honda USA Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
George Kaiser Family Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Esther A. and Joseph Klingenstein Fund
Knight's Exquisite Financial, LLC
Simeon and John H. Locke
Maritz Family Foundation
Vivian and Paul Olum Foundation
The David and Lucille Packard Foundation
Perigee Fund
J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation
Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation
Robin Hood
Roots & Wings Foundation
Dr. Seuss Foundation
Sobrato Philanthropies
Stein Early Childhood Development Fund at CCF
Third Sector New England, Inc. (TNSE/BUILD Initiative)
Tikun Olam Foundation
Trust for the Meditation Process
Turrell Fund
Valhalla Foundation

Public Funds

Arkansas Department of
Human Services
Connecticut State Department
of Children and Families
First 5 Orange County
Frederick County, Maryland Department of Social Services
University of Maryland, Baltimore
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services - Administration
for Children and Families
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services - Health Resources and Services Administration
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services - Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Annual Conference Exhibitors & Sponsors

Aprendamos Family of Services
Barbara Stroud Training
& Consultation
Barefoot Books
Brookes Publishing
California Association for
Infant Mental Health (CalAIMH)
CedarWorks Playsets
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services
Child Care Aware of America
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Child's Play, Inc.
Amee Cohen & Associates
Community Playthings
Community of Mindful Parenting
Fingersafe USA, Inc.
First 5 LA
Great Kids
The IDA Institute
Kaplan Early Learning Company
Little Otter Health
The Mama Bear Effect
National Association for Education
of Young Children (NAEYC)
National Center on Substance
Abuse and Child Welfare
The National Foundation to End
Child Abuse and Neglect (EndCAN)
Nutrition Matters Inc.
Parent-Child Relationship Programs
Parenting Now
The Program for Infant/Toddler
Care, WestEd
Southwest Human Development
Star Bright Books
Start Early
Strategic Solutions Group LLC
Teachers College Press
Team Children
Torsh, Inc.
University of Massachusetts Infant-Parent Mental Health Postgraduate Certificate Program
University of Washington
College of Education